A notification regarding the posts of professor, reader, painter has been released by the Indian Post-Mail Motor Service (MMS)on its official website.


Te candidates who to apply for the posts should keep in mind that the last date to apply for the recruitment drive is December 31, 2018.


Vacancy Details for the Recruitment

Motor Vehicle Mechanic- There are a total of 9 posts vacant for the candidates interested for the post of Motor Vehicle Mechanic.

Motor Vehicle Electrician- There is a total of 1 post vacant for the candidates interested for the post of Motor Vehicle Electrician.

Welder- There are a total of 2 posts vacant for the candidates interested for the post of Welder.

Tyreman, Painter and Tinsmith- There is a total of 1 posts vacant for the candidates interested for the post of Tyreman, Painter and Tinsmith.


Vacancies for the recruitment (Category Wise)


Unreserved : The candidates who belong to the general category have a total of 8 posts vacant for them.


Scheduled Tribes: The candidates who belong to the scheduled tribes category will have a total of 1 post vacant for them.


Other Backward Class: the candidates who belong to the other backward class will have a total of 6 posts vacant for them.


ESM: The candidates who belong to the ESM category will have a total of 1 post vacant for them.



Age Limit


The candidates who wish to apply for any of the posts mentioned above should fall in the age bracket of 21 to 30 years.


Educational Qualification


The candidates who wish to apply for the posts mentioned above are required to have ITI certificate or should have at least cleared class 8 with one year of experience from a recognized university or equivalent.


Pay Scale


The candidates selected will get a monthly remuneration of Rs 19, 900 under Level @ of the 7th central pay commission (CPC).


Selection Process


The candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the interview and written test.