Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the final result for the NDA examination.

The written examination took place on April 22, 2018, after which interviews were also taken.

Successful candidates in this examination and interview are selected for NDA's 141th course and Naval Academy's 103th course.

These courses will commemnce from January 2, 2019.

In addition to releasing the result, a notice related to the further process has also been released by the UPSC, which clearly states that the finalists will have to reach with their documents for admission in the course of the branch headquarters of the Ministry of Defense, Delhi R.K. Puram.

Result has been released and a total of 379 candidates have been selected.

These vacancies were taken out in 415 posts, including 208 in the National Defense Academy's Army Wing, 60 in Navy Wing and 92 in the Air Force Wing and then 55 for the same Naval Academy.

How to Check the Results?

Result has been uploaded on the official website of UPSC. You can check by going to www.upsc.gov.in. 

The Medical Examination Result has not been taken into account while preparing the list.

Subject to their submitting certificates in support of date of birth and educational qualifications etc. claimed by them while applying, the result of all the candidates is provisional at the moment.

From the date of publication of the final result, the mark of the candidates, will be put on the commission’s website after fifteen days.