Bihar Board 12th Intermediate Result 2019 update: The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has declared the BSEB Bihar Board 12th intermediate exam result 2019 today, March 30, 2019. The list of the BSEB Class 12th result topper list is also out.

In the Science stream, Rohini Prakash has topped the examination with 94.6%. In Commerce, Satyam KR has topped with 94.4%. Whereas, Rohini Kri topped Arts with 92.6%

Total No. Of Students – 1315382

Female: 330305
Male: 225767
Total: 556072
Expelled: 147
Male: 41551
Total: 63570
Expelled: 7
Female: 190144
Male: 468869
Total: 659013
Expelled: 330
Female: 542468
Male: 736187
Total: 1278655
Expelled: 484

Pass percentage: 79.76%
Arts pass percentage: 76.5%
Commerce pass percentage: 93.02%
Science pass percentage: 81.20%

Science toppers
Rohini Prakash - 94.6%
Pawan KR - 94.6%
Satyajit Suman - 94.3%
MD Ahmed - 94.2%

Commerce toppers
Satyam KR - 94.4%
Sonu KR - 94%
Shreya Kri - 93.8%

Arts toppers
Rohini Kri - 92.6%
Manish KR - 92.6%
Vikas Kumar - 92.4%
Mahnoor Jehan - 92.4%
Harshita Kri - 92%
Nishikant KR Jha - 92%