Railway Protection Force (RPF) has recently released the exam result of the written exam and now admit card to appear for the Physical Endurance Test (PET) & Physical Measurement Test (PMT) have also been released by the RPF on its official website. The candidates who have cleared the written exam should visit the official website and download the admit cards for the physical test.

How to Download RPF SI PET/PMT, Admit Card-
Step 1: Visit the official website.
Step 2: Click the 'RPF Download Admit Card Link'.
Step 3: Enter registration number, roll number.
Step 4: Admit card / Hall tickets will appear on the screen.
Step 5: Download it, and print out for further reference.

Candidates will be given only one chance each to conduct the physical tasks. Candidates should keep visiting the official website for any news/update regarding the recruitment drive. Any notice will be updated on our education portal as well.

- The admit card to appear for the Physical Endurance Test (PET) & Physical Measurement Test (PMT) has been released by the RPF on its official website.
- Railway Protection Force (RPF) has recently released the exam result of the written exam.
- The candidates who have cleared the written exam should visit the official website and download the admit cards for the physical test.
- Candidates should keep visiting the official website for any news/update regarding the recruitment drive.