The countdown has already begun and the candidates have only left with four more days to prepare.

As the exam date is so near there are only selective things the candidates can study and prepare for.


The examination is scheduled to be conducted on December 9, 2018.


At this peak time, the candidates must focus onto the subjects they are less confident about.


Check out four Cs which will make score better


C1- Understanding Concepts: Now its only time, that you can just brush-up through the main points of every subject and move to another subject. But for this, your concept of the subject should be clear. For every topic, you need to grasp the concepts, for this start asking questions from your self-such as “what?” “why?” and “how?”

C2 – Boosting Confidence: Once your concepts are clear, the second method to ace the preparation is to recollect these concepts for as many numbers of times you can.

This activity will result in enhancing your confidence to get to the right answers for any of the questions of any of the concepts.

You will feel more confident about any question related to the subject.

C3 – Command: For grasping better and keeping hold of the concepts, the candidates must go through different questions from different sources and practice them to make your concept more strong and clear.

Meanwhile, when practising these problems, you must also consider other methods to solve them to arrive at the same answer.

This will derive you to find out lot many different ways to tackle a question.

C4 – Creation of shortcuts: At the beginning of the preparations, a candidate might think of all honest ways to prepare for the test but as the time for the exam comes near some shortcuts prove to be very beneficial and time-saving.

Hence the candidates must create their own handy shortcuts and notes in their own methodologies so that it helps them while they are doing the revision.

These are the tips given by the official website to crack CTET Exam 2018

1. Count the days left for the examination.

2. Study at least 5 to 6 hours daily.

3. Distribute your time equally.

4. Give equal time to every Subject/Topic.

5. Follow the routine consistently.

6. Everyday solves the Mock Tests.

7. You should always check the Previous year papers, it helps you to know the pattern and be familiar with it.