More than 500 hundred students associated with NCC & NSS units of JMI, today celebrated surgical strike day in a grand manner at JMI campus.

The program started with special guest Colonel Gopal Singh (Retired) paying homage to Brigadier Usman whose grave is situated at JMI graveyard.

Brigadier Usman is remembered for his heroic deeds during the Indo-Pak war in 1947-48 when Pakistan Army infiltrated Jhangar area of Punch sector of J&K and captured it.

Brigadier Usman fought bravely with the infiltrators and recaptured the area from them.

During this battle Brigadier Usman was martyred in the battlefield.

Prof NU Khan, Coordinator, NCC-NSS and others received the special guest.

After paying homage to Brigadier Usman, special guest Colonel Gopal Singh(Retired) visited the auditorium where he addressed a large gathering of students associated with NCC and NSS units of JMI.

He explained the importance of the Surgical Strike day to the students. He asked students to be ready for making any sacrifice for the betterment of the nation.

He gave the experience of how the granite of a pencil comes out only after it is sharpened. 

By giving this example he asked students to be ready for all sorts of hardships to bring out the best in them and use their talent for the betterment of the nation.

He said whichever field you join after your education, service, and sacrifice for the nation should be the prime concern.

He urged students to join Army to serve the nation.

He was overwhelmed by seeing the large gathering of students and their enthusiasm. 

A video film on Surgical Strike was also shown during this program at the auditorium. After this, the NCC band performed in the camp area and the special guest was mesmerized with their performance.

A tree plantation drive was also organized after it and he planted two saplings at the campus.

Poster and card making event was also organized at the end in which students have shown their creativity and prepared beautiful posters and cards having messages for the Indian Army jawans. 

Yesterday, nearly four thousand students of 5 schools of JMI celebrated Surgical Strike Day at the school campus.

Despite ongoing midterm examinations, school administration organized a special assembly half an hour before the commencement of exam to celebrate the event in a befitting manner. Students from different classes glorified the heroic deeds of the Indian Army by displaying placards, banners, and posters. Children from the nursery classes participated in patriotic songs. Senior students recited patriotic group song and poetry.

Assembly of more than 4 thousand students was addressed by senior students and narrated the significance and relevance of surgical strike conducted by Indian Army in 2016. 
Apart from this, more than 120 NSS volunteers participated in a program organized by the Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports at India Gate.