Tarikul Islam, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) has been awarded Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Sensors Journal Best Performing Associate Editor for 2017.

The award is for his outstanding contribution for the publication of research articles in IEEE Sensors Journal.
The journal published by IEEE Sensors Council is one of the top-ranked and largest journals among IEEE Publications.
The impact factor of this journal is 2.512 and the acceptance rate is only 26%. The journal is accessed by 0.6 million users.
Tarikul Islam received PhD degree from Jadavpur University in 2007 and has been a recipient of research grants of more than 15 million from DST, DAE (Department of Atomic Energy), DRDO, MHRD, CPRI (Central Power Research Institute), Bangalore.
He has published 60 peer-reviewed research articles (15 in IEEE Transactions), filed three patents, and published four book chapters in Springer Verlag, Switzerland, American Scientific Publisher. He is a Guest Editor of a book on “Wearable Sensors: Applications, Design and Implementation (ISBN 978-0-7503-1503-6 (print)” published by Institute of Physics (IOP), UK.