Now that you are done with your basic education and going to step into a professional learning to give yourself a bright and promising career, the question here is which career to choose? There are number of career options open for you in your own country and abroad, and you need to choose as per your preferred stream or interest.

Some career options abroad after class XII are suggested herewith:

Career in Commerce and Accountancy

Commerce specialists can aspire to make their career in commerce and accountancy. There are many top universities abroad where one can study Economics, Finance, and Accountancy, to become a CA or a Finance expert. The universities like University of Oxford (UK), London School of Economics and Political Science (UK), University of Cambridge (UK), Stanford University (US), University of Melbourne (Australia), University of Auckland (New Zealand), are some great options for studying abroad.

Career in Drama and Acting

If you want to make your career in the glamour world and have an inclination towards acting, you can chose to get enrolled with some amazing foreign universities to have an acting career. Internship into the acting career in the countries like USA, UK and Russia will help you enhance your acting skills and become a professional actor.

Fashion Designing

For all those creative people who are an adept in apparel merchandising, and keep up with the latest fashion trends can get more skilled by enrolling in various fashion design institutes abroad. Institutes in Canada and New Zealand are known well for their graduate and post graduate courses in fashion and designing.

Foreign Language

There are many top universities abroad that offer learning of foreign languages like Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese and also the cultures of various countries. Not only this is an interesting field of study but has a lot of scope too.