National Milk Day: All You Need To Know About Verghese Kurien And the ‘Amul Girl’
milk day
Dr. Verghese Kurien– is known as the ‘Milkman of India’ Father of the White Revolution in India.

Dr. Kurien made India the world's largest milk producing country.

Today is Dr. Kurien’s birthday and also On November 26, the 'National Milk Day' is celebrated.

He was the co-founder of the country's leading brand 'Amul' and the founder of the National Dairy Development Board.

But today's discussion is not about Dr. Kurien but is about the 'Amul girl' because the story is too interesting to know.

In today's date, 'Amul Girl' is not just a face of a dairy product but her identity is of a bubbly girl who jokes about everything and even expresses on the serious issues.

The popularity of Amul Girl is also in other countries. The 'Amul Girl' seen in red and white dotted dress is now 52 years old.

There is no doubt that the 'Utterly-Butterly Girl' in Butter's advertisement only gave 'Amul' a brand new identity.

But the story behind its creation is very funny.

Dr. Kurien was the founder of 'Amul', but he definitely trusted 'Amul Girl'.

This is the reason that after the demise of Dr. Kurien in 2012, 'Amul Girl' is the most prominent face of the company's advertisement from the last 52 years.

Interestingly, after bringing 'Amul Girl' in the market, the dreaded dairy firm Dalton had collided with Paulson's 'Polson Girl'.

Company's Higher Advertising Agency
It is about the year 1966. 'Amul Butter' was selling in the market for 10 years. But at that time 'Polson Girl', a company selling dairy products, was very popular.

Dr. Kurien did not want to see his product to downgrade at any level. It was also necessary to increase trade and also to beat the opponent.

In such a situation, Amul held a meeting with an advertising agency, ASP (Advertising and Sales Promotion).

The agency's art director Eustace Fernandes was asked to prepare a mascot for 'Amul' which should be liked by every housewife in the country and could also compete with 'Paulson Girl'.

The thinking of these two people is 'Amul Girl'
ASP Communications Chief Sylvester Dakunha and Eustace Fernandes created 'Amul Girl'.

Dr. Kurien had given complete sanction to ‘Dakunha’ to make 'Amul Girl' without the approval of the company.

'Amul Girl' painting was first seen on the Mumbai buses also on the Hoarding on the streets.

The first advertisement of 'Amul Girl' came in March 1966 the name was 'through bread'.

Over time, a lot of changes have been made with 'Amul Girl', but the theme is still the same.

The 'Amul Girl', which has been very successful in the Emergency era,
In order to make 'Amul Girl' more popular, gradually various comments and suggestions started coming in.

The special attention was paid to this in the '90s.

'Amul Girl' started speaking outspoken on national and political issues and people also liked it.

This style of 'Amul Girl' continued in the country during the Emergency era, and its popularity grew further.

Style changes and taglines over time
The team of 'Amul Girl' ad campaign was designed by just three people -- Sylvester Dakunha, Eustace Fernandes, and then the company's name was changed to 'Dakunha Communications'.

Along with this, the tagline of 'Amul' was also changed. Earlier it was 'Purely the Best', on the advice of wife Nisha, Sylvester made it 'Ultimately Butterly Amul'.
Sylvester Dakunha's son Rahul Dakunha joined him in the '90s.

Rahul started looking over the work of 'Amul' advertising.

Rahul says, 'Papa always taught me not to get into disputes, but say everything as it should be said'.

The advertisements of 'Amul Girl' started coming in as soon as Rahul came in the company.

There was an advertisement on the first 15 days, then every week the ad was started and now the company offers 'Amul Girl' for four to five days a week.

The team of three people and their 'Amul Girl'
'Amul Girl' got rid of popularity due to its lack of skill, creativity, and humor.

Amul is considered the world's longest-running ad campaign.

The special thing is that until now there is no lack of creativity.

Apart from Rahul Dakunha, Manish is in the team who holds an ad campaign for 'Amul Girl', who is a copywriter.

He has been associated with it for the past 22-23 years.

Jayant Rane, who is an illustrator, creates Amul girl in a new way.

Jayant has been associated with Dakunha for 30 years.

Controversies on advertisements:
However, there were many such occasions when there was a dispute over the advertisements of 'Amul'.

In 2001 Amul took a look at the Indian Airlines strike.

On this, Indian Airlines warned of not serving Amul's product in the flight.

Ads were subsequently deleted.

Trust factor
Apart from this, it has also been in dispute over the controversy surrounding 'Amul' Jagmohan Dalmiya, IPL cheerleaders, Mamta Banerjee, Commonwealth Games 2010.

But the good thing is that the people have always liked the style of Amul and 'Amul Girl’ that is the trust of the market, the company and the customers are persisted on each other.